- 023-65017059
- 023-65017906
- 023-65017500
- 023-65017791
- 023-65017510
- 023-65017790
- 13108987469
- 13527338160

Aysu Yedek Parca Ltd.
Diferco Corporation is a
manufacturer's representative, distributor, and reseller of industrial
equipment based in Miami, Fl. U.S.A.We are a complete/total distributor of
power transmission and material handling equipment.Our primary clients are in
the following industries: Cement, Mining, Sugar Mills, Steel Mills, Bottling
plants, etc.We are looking for distributors in all the territories that we
cover. We are looking for small to medium size engineering companies that
have experience in power transmission and material handling fields. These
companies need to have a working relationship with the local industries
described above.;